‘이더리움 댑 개발’ 세미나 보조 교재 – Learn Ethereum 1

이번 함께 읽기에서는 Section 1: Blockchain and Ethereum Basics을 정리합니다.

  • Chapter 1, Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
  • Chapter 2, Ethereum Architecture and Ecosystem
  • Chapter 3, Deep Research on Ethereum


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2장. Ethereum Architecture and Ecosystem

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  • Ethereum provides a platform for anyone to write smart contracts and decentralized applications based on your business needs and value propositions. It is intended as the world computer for the decentralized world. As such, Ethereum provides four decentralized computing facilities, along with a large list of development and testing tools, which make it very easy to develop and deploy DApps on to the Ethereum blockchain. The four decentralized computing facilities are as follows:
    • Ethereum blockchain for decentralized state
    • Smart contracts for decentralized computing
    • Swarm and IPFS for decentralized storage
    • Whispers for P2P messaging
  • In Ethereum, it introduces the world state concept, the collection of all accounts on the blockchain network. World state presents the global state of the Ethereum network, which is constantly updated following any transaction execution. It is a kind of a global database, which is replicated to all Ethereum nodes behind the scene.
    • an Ethereum account contains four fields:
      • Nonce: A counter used to identify distinct transactions
      • Balance: The account’s current ether balance
      • Contract code: Optional cryptographic hash code pointing to smart code associated with the contract creation
      • Storage: Optional cryptographic hash code pointing to the account’s storage
  • All transactions, whether it is ether movement from one account to another or smart contract code execution, will be collated into a block.
About the Author
(주)뉴테크프라임 대표 김현남입니다. 저에 대해 좀 더 알기를 원하시는 분은 아래 링크를 참조하세요. http://www.umlcert.com/kimhn/

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