Kernel Memory 5.6 코드 분석6

메모리에서 데이터를 저장하고 관리하는 역할을 MemoryDb라고 합니다.



상상해 보세요. 다양한 책 컬렉션을 저장하고 관리하는 디지털 도서관이 있습니다. 각 컬렉션에는 이름이 있고, 각 책에는 제목, 저자 등과 같은 정보가 있습니다. IMemoryDb는 그러한 디지털 도서관을 관리하기 위한 일련의 지침과 같은데, 책 대신 “메모리 기록”과 “벡터”를 다룹니다.

도서관은 memory, 컬렉션은 index, 책은 document라고 생각할 수 있습니다. 


Key Components

Interface Definition:
public interface IMemoryDb is like saying, “Here are the rules and methods that any memory database should follow.”

Methods (Library Management Tasks)

1. CreateIndexAsync:
– Purpose: Create a new collection in the library.
– Parameters:
index: Name of the collection.
vectorSize: Size of the collection.
cancellationToken: A way to cancel the task if needed.
Analogy: Imagine you want to create a new shelf in your library to store a specific type of book. This method helps you do that.

2. GetIndexesAsync:
– Purpose: List all the collections in the library.
– Parameters:
cancellationToken: A way to cancel the task if needed.
– Returns: A list of collection names.
Analogy: This is like getting a list of all the shelves in your library.

3. DeleteIndexAsync:
Delete a collection from the library.
index: Name of the collection to delete.
cancellationToken: A way to cancel the task if needed.
This is like removing a shelf from your library.

4. UpsertAsync:
Add or update a book (memory record) in a collection.
index: Name of the collection.
record: The book (memory record) to add or update.
cancellationToken: A way to cancel the task if needed.
Returns: The ID of the added or updated book.
Exception: Throws an error if the collection doesn’t exist.
Analogy: This is like adding a new book to a specific shelf or updating an existing book’s information.

5. GetSimilarListAsync:
Find books (memory records) similar to a given text.
index: Name of the collection.
text: The text to search for.
filters: Criteria to filter the search results.
minRelevance: Minimum similarity required.
limit: Maximum number of results.
withEmbeddings: Whether to include detailed information in the result.
cancellationToken: A way to cancel the task if needed.
Returns: A list of similar books, starting from the most similar.
Analogy: This is like searching for books on a shelf that are similar to a given topic or keyword.

6. GetListAsync:
Get a list of books (memory records) that match certain criteria.
index: Name of the collection.
filters: Criteria to filter the search results.
limit: Maximum number of results.
withEmbeddings: Whether to include detailed information in the result.
cancellationToken: A way to cancel the task if needed.
Returns: A list of books that match the criteria.
Analogy: This is like finding all books on a shelf that match a specific tag or category.

7. DeleteAsync:
Delete a specific book (memory record) from a collection.
index: Name of the collection.
record: The book to delete.
cancellationToken: A way to cancel the task if needed.
Analogy: This is like removing a specific book from a shelf in your library.



간단히 말해, 이 코드는 메모리 기록의 디지털 라이브러리를 관리하기 위한 일련의 규칙과 방법을 정의합니다.

이 라이브러리에서 컬렉션과 기록을 생성, 목록화, 업데이트, 검색 및 삭제할 수 있습니다.

각 메서드는 새로운 선반을 생성하거나, 모든 선반을 목록화하거나, 선반에 책을 추가하는 등 특정 목적을 가지고 있습니다. cancellationToken은 필요할 경우 작업을 중지할 수 있게 해주는 안전 장치와 같습니다.

메모리에 데이터를 저장하는 저장소는 전문 벡터 데이터베이스로 포지셔닝 한 것들도 많습니다. 간단한 것부터 살펴봅시다.



The SimpleVectorDb class is like the blueprint for our digital filing cabinet. It defines how the cabinet is built and how it operates.

The constructor (SimpleVectorDb) is like the assembly instructions for our cabinet. It sets up the necessary parts, like the text embedding generator (which helps understand the content of documents) and the file system (which decides where and how to store the documents).

– CreateIndexAsync: This method is like creating a new drawer in our filing cabinet. It sets up a space where we can store related documents.
– GetIndexesAsync: This method lists all the drawers we have in our cabinet.
– DeleteIndexAsync: This method removes a drawer from our cabinet.
– UpsertAsync: This method adds or updates a document in a specific drawer. If the drawer doesn’t exist, it creates one.
– GetSimilarListAsync: This method searches for documents similar to a given piece of text. It’s like asking, “Show me all documents that talk about something similar to this.”
– GetListAsync: This method lists all documents in a specific drawer, optionally filtering them based on certain criteria.
– DeleteAsync: This method removes a specific document from a drawer.


How It Works

1. Initialization:
– When you create a new SimpleVectorDb object, you provide some settings, a text embedding generator, and an optional logger. The constructor sets up the file system based on the provided settings (either on disk or in memory).

2. Creating and Managing Drawers:
– You can create a new drawer using CreateIndexAsync, list all drawers with GetIndexesAsync, and delete a drawer with DeleteIndexAsync.

3. Adding and Retrieving Documents:
– To add or update a document, you use UpsertAsync. This method stores the document in the appropriate drawer.
– To find documents similar to a given text, you use GetSimilarListAsync. This method compares the given text to all stored documents and returns the most similar ones.
– To list all documents in a drawer, you use GetListAsync. You can also apply filters to narrow down the results.

4. Deleting Documents:
– To remove a specific document, you use DeleteAsync.


Additional Details

– Normalization:
– The code includes a method to normalize index names, ensuring consistency in how drawers are named.

– Filtering:
– The TagsMatchFilters method helps in filtering documents based on tags, ensuring that only relevant documents are retrieved.

– Encoding and Decoding IDs:
– The EncodeId and DecodeId methods handle the conversion of document IDs to a format suitable for storage and retrieval.



각 서랍에 특정 주제가 적힌 라벨이 붙어 있는 물리적 파일 캐비닛을 상상해 보세요. 이 서랍에 문서를 추가하고, 유사한 주제를 다루는 문서를 검색하며, 더 이상 필요하지 않은 문서를 제거할 수 있습니다. 이 코드는 그 파일 캐비닛의 디지털 버전으로, 문서의 내용을 이해하고 비교할 수 있는 지능이 추가된 것입니다.

이렇게 코드를 분해해 보면, 기본 파일 시스템과 텍스트 분석 도구를 사용하여 문서의 내용을 기반으로 문서를 저장, 검색 및 관리하는 간단한 방법을 제공한다는 것을 알 수 있습니다.



Sure! Let’s break down this code snippet into simple, easy-to-understand language.

### Overview

This code is like a virtual filing cabinet that stores text files in memory (RAM) instead of on a physical disk. It’s designed to be used by multiple users or programs at the same time without conflicts. Think of it as a temporary storage system that keeps files and folders organized in memory.

### Key Components

1. **Namespace and Usings**:
– The using statements at the top are like importing tools and materials needed for the job. They bring in various functionalities from different libraries.
– The namespace groups related classes together. Here, it’s Microsoft.KernelMemory.FileSystem.DevTools.

2. **Class Definition**:
– The VolatileFileSystem class is our virtual filing cabinet. It’s marked as internal sealed, meaning it’s only accessible within its own assembly and cannot be inherited.

3. **Constants and Static Fields**:
DefaultVolumeName and DirSeparator are constants that define default values.
s_invalidCharsRegex is a pattern used to check for invalid characters in names.
s_singletons is a dictionary that ensures only one instance of VolatileFileSystem exists per root directory.

4. **Constructor**:
– The constructor initializes the filing cabinet with optional tools for logging and detecting file types.

5. **Singleton Pattern**:
GetInstance method ensures that only one instance of the filing cabinet exists for each root directory. This is like having one shared filing cabinet for each department in an office.

### Volume API

Volumes are like drawers in our filing cabinet.

– **CreateVolumeAsync**: Adds a new drawer if it doesn’t already exist.
– **VolumeExistsAsync**: Checks if a drawer exists.
– **DeleteVolumeAsync**: Removes a drawer.
– **ListVolumesAsync**: Lists all the drawers.

### Directory API

Directories are like folders within the drawers.

– **CreateDirectoryAsync**: Adds a new folder in a specified drawer.
– **DeleteDirectoryAsync**: Removes a folder and its contents from a drawer.

### File API

Files are the documents inside the folders.

– **WriteFileAsync**: Adds or updates a file in a specified folder.
– **ReadFileAsTextAsync**: Reads the content of a file as text.
– **ReadFileAsBinaryAsync**: Reads the content of a file as binary data.
– **ReadFileInfoAsync**: Retrieves information about a file.
– **GetAllFileNamesAsync**: Lists all files in a specified folder.
– **FileExistsAsync**: Checks if a file exists.
– **DeleteFileAsync**: Removes a file.
– **ReadAllFilesAsTextAsync**: Reads all files in a folder as text.

### Private Methods

These are helper methods that perform specific tasks:

– **GetInternalState**: Returns the current state of the filing cabinet.
– **ValidateVolumeExistsAsync**: Ensures a drawer exists.
– **ThrowVolumeNotFound**: Throws an error if a drawer is not found.
– **ValidateVolumeName, ValidatePath, ValidateFileName**: Ensure names and paths are valid.
– **JoinPaths**: Combines folder and file names into a full path.

### Example

Imagine you have a virtual filing cabinet in your computer’s memory. You can create drawers (volumes) to organize your files. Inside each drawer, you can have folders (directories) and inside those folders, you can store documents (files). This code helps you manage this virtual filing cabinet by allowing you to add, read, update, and delete files and folders, all while ensuring everything is properly organized and no invalid names are used.

### Summary

This code provides a way to manage files and folders in memory, making it useful for temporary storage needs where speed and concurrency are important. It ensures that only valid names are used and that the system is shared safely among multiple users or programs.


This code is part of a program that deals with managing files and directories (folders) on a computer. Think of it as a set of instructions for organizing and handling your digital files and folders, similar to how you might organize documents in a filing cabinet.

Key Components

internal interface IFileSystem is a blueprint for what actions (methods) a file system should be able to perform. An interface is like a contract that says, “Any system that claims to be a file system must be able to do these things.”


The interface IFileSystem lists several actions that a file system should be able to perform. These actions are grouped into three categories: Volume API, Directory API, and File API.

1. Volume API (Managing Storage Areas)

– CreateVolumeAsync: This action creates a new storage area (volume). Imagine creating a new drawer in your filing cabinet.
– VolumeExistsAsync: This checks if a specific storage area exists. It’s like checking if a particular drawer is already in your filing cabinet.
– DeleteVolumeAsync: This deletes a storage area. It’s like removing a drawer from your filing cabinet.
– ListVolumesAsync: This lists all the storage areas. It’s like opening your filing cabinet and seeing all the drawers.

2. Directory API (Managing Folders)

– CreateDirectoryAsync: This creates a new folder within a specified storage area. Imagine adding a new folder inside a drawer.
– DeleteDirectoryAsync: This deletes a folder from a specified storage area. It’s like removing a folder from a drawer.

3. File API (Managing Files)

– WriteFileAsync: This action writes (saves) a file to a specified folder within a storage area. There are two versions: one for writing from a stream (a flow of data) and one for writing from a string (text data). It’s like putting a document into a folder.
– FileExistsAsync: This checks if a specific file exists in a folder. It’s like checking if a particular document is in a folder.
– ReadFileAsBinaryAsync: This reads a file as binary data (raw data). It’s like looking at the document in a coded form.
– ReadFileInfoAsync: This reads information about a file. It’s like looking at the details of a document (e.g., its size, type).
– ReadFileAsTextAsync: This reads a file as text. It’s like opening a document and reading its contents.
– ReadAllFilesAsTextAsync: This reads all files in a folder as text. It’s like opening all documents in a folder and reading their contents.
– GetAllFileNamesAsync: This lists all file names in a folder. It’s like looking at the labels on all the documents in a folder.
– DeleteFileAsync: This deletes a specific file from a folder. It’s like removing a document from a folder.

Additional Details

– Async and CancellationToken: The word Async at the end of each action means that these actions can be performed asynchronously, which is a fancy way of saying they can run in the background without freezing the program. The CancellationToken is like a stop button that can be used to cancel the action if needed.



간단히 말해, 이 코드는 컴퓨터에서 저장 영역, 폴더, 파일을 관리하기 위한 일련의 작업을 정의합니다. 여기에는 이러한 항목들을 생성, 확인, 나열, 읽기, 쓰기, 삭제하는 작업이 포함됩니다. 작업은 저장 영역(볼륨) 관리, 폴더(디렉토리) 관리, 파일 관리의 세 가지 주요 범주로 그룹화됩니다. Async를 사용하면 이러한 작업이 백그라운드에서 실행되어 프로그램이 더 효율적이고 반응성이 높아집니다.

파일은 실행 시에만 임시적으로 휘발성으로 메모리에서만 관리하는 방법이 있고, 디스크에서 관리하는 방법이 있다. 휘발성은 이름 그대로 애플리케이션 실행 시에만 관리합니다. 이를 VolatileFileSystem이라 하고, 디스크에서 관리하는 방법을 DiskFileSystem이라 합니다.



This code is like a virtual filing cabinet that stores text files in memory (RAM) instead of on a physical disk. It’s designed to be used by multiple users or programs at the same time without conflicts. Think of it as a temporary storage space that disappears when the program stops running.


Key Components

VolatileFileSystem is the main class. It’s marked as internal sealed, meaning it’s only accessible within its own assembly and cannot be inherited by other classes.

Constants and Static Fields
DefaultVolumeName and DirSeparator are constants used for default values and directory separation.
s_invalidCharsRegex is a pattern to check for invalid characters in names.
s_singletons is a dictionary to store instances of VolatileFileSystem to avoid creating multiple instances for the same directory.

– The constructor initializes the file system with optional parameters for logging and MIME type detection.

GetInstance Method:
– This method ensures that only one instance of VolatileFileSystem exists per directory. It’s like making sure there’s only one filing cabinet for each room.

Volume API

Volumes are like drawers in our filing cabinet.

– CreateVolumeAsync: Creates a new drawer if it doesn’t already exist.
– VolumeExistsAsync: Checks if a drawer exists.
–  DeleteVolumeAsync: Removes a drawer.
– ListVolumesAsync: Lists all the drawers.

Directory API

Directories are like folders inside the drawers.

– CreateDirectoryAsync: Creates a new folder inside a drawer.
– DeleteDirectoryAsync: Deletes a folder and all its contents.

File API

Files are the actual documents inside the folders.

– WriteFileAsync**: Writes a file to a folder. There are two versions: one for writing from a stream (like a data flow) and one for writing from a string (text).
– ReadFileAsTextAsync: Reads a file and returns its content as text.
– ReadFileAsBinaryAsync: Reads a file and returns its content as binary data.
– ReadFileInfoAsync: Gets information about a file, like its name, size, and type.
– GetAllFileNamesAsync: Lists all files in a folder.
– FileExistsAsync: Checks if a file exists.
– DeleteFileAsync: Deletes a file.
– ReadAllFilesAsTextAsync: Reads all files in a folder and returns their contents as text.

Private Methods

These are helper methods used internally by the class.

– GetInternalState: Returns the current state of the file system.
– ValidateVolumeExistsAsync: Checks if a volume exists and throws an error if it doesn’t.
– ThrowVolumeNotFound: Throws an error if a volume is not found.
– ValidateVolumeName, ValidatePath, ValidateFileName: Ensure that names and paths are valid and don’t contain illegal characters.
– JoinPaths: Combines two paths into one.



가상 파일 캐비닛을 가지고 있다고 상상해보세요. 여기서 서랍(볼륨), 폴더(디렉토리)를 만들고 문서(파일)를 저장할 수 있습니다. 이 코드는 이 캐비닛을 관리하는 데 도움을 주며, 모든 것이 정리되고 접근 가능하도록 합니다. 하지만 이 프로그램이 실행되는 동안에만 가능합니다. 프로그램이 중지되면 이 가상 캐비닛에 있는 모든 것이 사라지기 때문에 “휘발성”이라는 용어를 사용합니다.


This code is part of a program that helps manage files and directories on your computer. Think of it as a mini file manager, like Windows Explorer or Finder on Mac, but it’s designed to be used by other programs rather than by people directly.

Key Components

– The main class here is DiskFileSystem. It’s like a blueprint for creating objects that can manage files and directories.
– This class implements an interface IFileSystem, which means it promises to provide certain functionalities.

Constants and Variables:
DefaultVolumeName: A default name used if no specific name is provided.
s_invalidCharsRegex: A pattern used to check for invalid characters in names.

– The DiskFileSystem constructor sets up the initial state. It takes a directory path and optional tools for detecting file types and logging messages.

Main Functionalities

Volume Management
– CreateVolumeAsync: Creates a new directory (volume) to store files.
– VolumeExistsAsync: Checks if a directory (volume) exists.
– DeleteVolumeAsync: Deletes a directory (volume) and its contents.
– ListVolumesAsync: Lists all directories (volumes) in the main directory.

Directory Management
– CreateDirectoryAsync: Creates a subdirectory within a volume.
– DeleteDirectoryAsync: Deletes a subdirectory within a volume.

File Management
– WriteFileAsync: Saves a file to a specified location.
– ReadFileAsBinaryAsync: Reads a file and returns its content in binary form.
– ReadFileAsTextAsync: Reads a file and returns its content as text.
– GetAllFileNamesAsync: Lists all files in a specified directory.
– FileExistsAsync: Checks if a file exists.
– DeleteFileAsync: Deletes a specified file.
– ReadAllFilesAsTextAsync: Reads all files in a directory and returns their contents as text.

Helper Methods

ValidateVolumeName: Ensures the volume name is valid (no invalid characters).
ValidatePath: Ensures the path is valid (no invalid characters).
ValidateFileName: Ensures the file name is valid (no invalid characters).
CreateDirectory: Creates a directory if it doesn’t already exist.

Analogies and Examples

– Volume: Think of a volume as a folder where you can store other folders and files. For example, “My Documents” could be a volume.
– Directory: A directory is like a subfolder within a volume. For example, within “My Documents,” you might have a directory called “Work.”
– File: A file is like a document or image you save on your computer. For example, “resume.docx” could be a file within the “Work” directory.


How It Works

1. Creating a Volume:
– When you call CreateVolumeAsync("MyVolume"), it creates a folder named “MyVolume” in the main directory.

2. Checking if a Volume Exists:
VolumeExistsAsync("MyVolume") checks if the “MyVolume” folder exists.

3. Writing a File:
WriteFileAsync("MyVolume", "Work", "resume.docx", fileStream) saves the file “resume.docx” in the “Work” directory within “MyVolume”.

4. Reading a File:
ReadFileAsTextAsync("MyVolume", "Work", "resume.docx") reads the content of “resume.docx” as text.

5. Deleting a File:
DeleteFileAsync("MyVolume", "Work", "resume.docx") deletes the “resume.docx” file.



이 코드는 프로그램이 파일과 디렉토리를 관리할 수 있는 방법을 제공하며, 이는 컴퓨터에서 파일 관리자를 사용하는 것과 유사합니다. 이 코드는 파일과 디렉토리를 생성, 읽기, 쓰기, 삭제하는 기능을 포함하고 있으며, 이름의 유효성을 확인하고 디버깅 목적으로 작업을 기록합니다.

메모리된 데이터를 검색할 수 있어야 한다.



It defines an interface called ISearchClient that outlines how a search client should behave. Think of an interface as a blueprint for a house; it tells you what rooms (methods) the house (class) should have, but not how to build them.

The ISearchClient interface is designed to help a program search through “memories” (which you can think of as pieces of information or data) and find relevant results based on certain criteria. It also allows the program to answer questions using these memories and list available collections of memories.

Key Components

These lines are like importing tools you’ll need to build your house. They bring in functionalities for handling collections of items, managing tasks that can run in the background, and dealing with cancellation of these tasks.

“Everything in this file belongs to the Microsoft.KernelMemory.Search area.” It helps organize the code.


1. SearchAsync:
– This method is like a librarian who helps you find books (memories) in a library (index) based on your search terms (query) and other criteria (filters, minRelevance, limit).
index: The collection of memories to search in.
query: The search terms.
filters: Additional criteria to narrow down the search.
minRelevance: How closely the results should match your search terms.
limit: Maximum number of results to return.
cancellationToken: A way to cancel the search if needed.
Returns: A list of search results.

2. AskAsync:
– This method is like asking the librarian a specific question and getting an answer based on the books (memories) in the library.
– Parameters:
index: The collection of memories to search in.
question: The question you want answered.
filters: Criteria to narrow down which memories to consider.
minRelevance: How closely the memories should match the question.
cancellationToken: A way to cancel the task if needed.
Returns: An answer to the question.

3. ListIndexesAsync:
– This method is like asking the librarian to list all the sections (indexes) in the library.
cancellationToken: A way to cancel the task if needed.
Returns: A list of index names.



간단히 말해서, 이 코드는 다음과 같은 작업을 수행할 수 있는 검색 클라이언트를 위한 일련의 규칙을 정의합니다:
1. 특정 기준에 따라 정보를 검색합니다.
2. 찾은 정보를 사용하여 질문에 답변합니다.
3. 사용 가능한 모든 정보 컬렉션을 나열합니다.

이 청사진을 따르면, ISearchClient를 구현하는 모든 클래스는 이러한 작업을 수행할 수 있게 되어, 대량의 데이터를 관리하고 검색하는 것이 더 쉬워집니다.

About the Author
(주)뉴테크프라임 대표 김현남입니다. 저에 대해 좀 더 알기를 원하시는 분은 아래 링크를 참조하세요.

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